Essential Tips For Avoiding Pest Infestations

September 19, 2021

How To Avoid Pest Control Issues

If there is one thing that most people can agree on, it’s that the best way to deal with pest infestations is to avoid them altogether. Taking proper preventative measures is the key to steering clear of stressful, headache-inducing pest problems that threaten to ruin your day, week, or even year (looking at you, termites). Fortunately, you can implement many simple and easy strategies to help keep insects and wildlife under control.


The primary component of effective pest prevention program is exclusion. Exclusion is the practice of repairing or blocking areas where inquisitive critters could gain entry. Homeowners should be aware of cracks or holes in walls or flooring. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem, pests can see it as a potential entry point. For instance, mice can fit through openings as small as a dime and proceed to wreak havoc in your pantry or attic. Not to mention numerous types of bugs can stroll right on in and begin to populate rapidly after settling down.

You should also inspect screens on windows or doors and patch holes as soon as you notice them. A door sweep is handy for preventing pests from squeezing underneath. To keep out larger animals from exterior openings such as roof vents and chimneys, you can purchase a fine wire mesh or chimney cap. While entrances need to be sealed, caulking can be chewed through by determined gnawers. Copper mesh, coarse steel wool, and sheet metal are more durable and long-lasting alternatives. In short, the best way to keep critters out is to make it as hard as possible for them to get in.

Outdoor Maintenance

Preventing a problem indoors often begins with controlling the environment outside your home. While landscaping, keep in mind that there should be at least a quarter or half foot of space between the foundation and nearby soil. Similarly, vegetation should be trimmed back to minimize land bridges that welcome pests into your home. If you store firewood on your property, make sure it’s at least 20 feet away from the building and preferably kept off the ground. And while mulch may be great for preventing weeds, it also tends to attract and harbor undesirable insects. If utilized, it’s best kept at a distance.

Along with implementing exclusion measures, you should frequently inspect the exterior of your home for deterioration and blockage. Gutters need to be regularly cleaned and kept clear of debris. Moreover, you should check roofing tiles, shingles, and other materials for potential rot. Rats and squirrels, in particular, commonly search for soft spots where their sharp teeth can chew through. When it comes to mosquitoes, the worst thing you can do is to provide them with stagnant water where they can readily thrive. Try your best to eliminate pooling water in flower beds or garden spaces and ensure that your lawn has a proper drainage system. Otherwise, you might unwillingly create a breeding ground in your own backyard.

Keeping a Pest-Free Environment

Though maintaining a clean household won’t guarantee a pest-free home, it is undoubtedly one of the best ways to discourage them. Clutter can yield additional hiding spots and neglecting to vacuum leaves behind crumbs and other potential sustenance. Speaking of nutrients, food items should be kept in air-tight containers and stored at least six inches off the floor. Dispose of garbage regularly and wash reusable trash cans and recycling bins. Mosquitoes are far from the only pests that benefit from abundant water. Roaches can survive for up to a month without food but won’t last a week without water. Eliminating water sources inside your home can put a halt to many kinds of infestations before they take off. Plumbing should be kept clear of blockages and keep sink and floor drains free of gunk that might attract or breed insects. 

Professional Pest Control In Louisiana

Of course, even if you do everything correctly, pests can still find a way to pop up now and then. Many types of pest infestations can be costly, especially when allowed to proliferate. For instance, approximately 600,000 homes annually experience a termite invasion, causing billions in property damage. 

CheckMate Termite & Pest Management has the solutions you’re looking for if you find yourself with pest control issues. From mosquitoes to ants and those in between, our trained and licensed professionals can take care of it. As enthusiastic educators, we are also happy to answer any questions you have regarding pest management. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control services or how you can discourage curious critters from stepping foot onto your property.

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